Fort Zombie Wiki

Known solutions to the various technical issues encountered by folks installing or playing Fort Zombie.


To ascertain which version of Fort Zombie you have installed:

Right click on the icon to start Fort Zombie in \Start\All Programs\Fort Zombie\ on the Start Menu then choose Properties, then select Open File Location from the Properties box.

This opens Windows Explorer at the location the game is installed.

Then right click on the FortZombie.exe file, select Properties and then the Details tab.

The version of your installed game is listed under Product version there.


If you have a AMD Dual–Core Processor, running Windows XP, and are having problems with Fort Zombie (especially crashes), you will probably want to download and install the AMD Dual–Core Optimizer (Version 1.1.4).

According to Microsoft:

If you are running an XNA Framework Game on a computer with a dual–core AMD processor that is running Windows XP, and the game contacts the Xbox LIVE servers, you may experience unpredictable behavior such as a hanging of the game process. To work around this issue, you should install the AMD Dual–Core Optimizer from AMD on the computer on which you are running the game.

Since Fort Zombie is an XNA Framework Game, this might help some people. And, as a bonus, the Optimizer should also help with bugs / issues / crashes with many other recent games.

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